Tournament Meta

Hey guys a quick post talking about my thoughts of the Meta in 40k with 6th edition. This is an observational and opinionated post based on what I have read recently concerning Nova, Local Tournaments, and my Experience. This post is being made right after the Space Marine Codex release so we have seen Tau,Eldar, Dark Angels, Chaos Daemons, and Chaos Space Marines released as well as the Ivanden and Farsight Supplements.
I feel the Meta as of right now exists in that it really doesn’t exist. Now that may sound confusing so let me break it into a wider perspective. With new Codexes coming out about every 2 months we see a fluctuation in what is good and what people are playing Rapidly. I think the best way to play the Meta is be prepared to fight the next big thing. CSM had Heldrakes, Tau have Riptides, and Eldar have Wraithknights and Wave Serpents. If you are ready to fight these now what will Space Marines bring that you have to deal with. Have a good idea what automatically feels would be good in the next codex since that is what people will be using. Unpredictability in your list will bring something that people won’t be ready for. A local Blood Angels player uses all drop pods and Dreadnoughts with Frag Cannons which people did not see as viable so they don’t prepare for it and have a really difficult time fighting against it.

In a quick summary what I feel the meta is breaks down to this. Be ready to fight what people are already using, be ready to fight what the next big thing is, and don’t be caught in the two previous categories is how I feel the meta is right now.